Friday, September 23, 2011


Those that know me may have a perception of me that I am an extrovert, a social kind of person that loves to be surrounded by people. I walk around downtown visiting with neighbors and store owners and stay involved and busy to the point that people wonder when I sleep.  I have a secret for you.

I could be a complete home body. I love being home. There is something about home that makes me so happy just to be...home. Nothing gives me greater comfort, makes me feel at ease and makes me feel like I can be me.

 (I have an obsession with painting my home's walls) 

I love quiet time. I love TIME. Time to be. Time to learn. Time to be inspired. Time to create something that makes my soul smile and boosts me from my insides. That is what art does to me. I create art in my home. Being surrounded by my own art as well as the art of those I admire, my daughters art and my husband's art just makes me feel good.

I know. You are thinking- your husbands art?! I bet you didn't know David could be crafty!  He's made glass jewelry, slumped wine bottles in the kiln, cut glass, helped refinish furniture, got into demo when we remodeled a building...and this guy never used to do all this stuff! He did cut and paste a paper together for a long time, so he was 'organizing advertising paper crafty'...but I don't know that he ever claimed that as an artistic talent before.

Guess what he is doing right now?! Cutting out stamps from letters that he has saved for years.  I mean YEARS AND YEARS. He wants to decoupage them on something yet to be decided. I am so excited to see what he does. I love to see he and my daughter create. I sense their accomplishment and pride when they make something that didn't exist until they created it. If you think about it, it will be like the old cut and paste newspaper advertising days. I think he could get into this stamp decoupage project.

I will never forget the time my husband and I made our headboard out of 3 old doors that came out of the store downstairs.  (Thanks to Debi for the fabulous painting already on the doors). David was so stinking excited and proud of what we created together. On our loft tours he gives, he always beams over telling people we made that together.

I think that means I should plan some more David and Mer family projects to build together in our home. Oh who am I kidding, I have a never ending list of projects to do! My list never ends.

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